rm -rf #remove folder
bzip2 file #compress (-v to report reduction size) (-k to keep original)
bunzip file.bz2 #decompress
bzcat file.bz2 #view compressed file
gzip file #compress (not to be confused with zip which archives files)
gunzip file #decompress
tar #packs and unpacks archives (-t view -x extract (overwrites files with same filenames) -c create, -v verbose, -f (read or write from file)
Locating Commands:
whereis echo #location of a command using standard directories ind of search path
which echo #location using the search path
type echo #whether a command is a builtin
slocate file #searches for a file, needs to be installed
User/System Information:
who #lists users
who am i #
finger #lists users more info might be disabled
w #lists users
write user #sending msg to user
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