File System
ls - a #hidden files (shell config files in home, files starting with dot)
ls . or .. #. references working directory and .. parent
pwd #working directory
less ~/.bashrc #tilde references home directory
less ~sam/.bashrc #references sam's home directory if you have access
mkdir -p #create a directory, -p to create multiple dirs in one command
rmdir -f #removes dir, -f recursively delete sub directories and files
mv file subdir/ #move file from one dir to another
mv dir anotherdir #move one dir to another
Important Directories:
/ Root
/root Root home
/bin Command binaries
/sbin Essential system binaries (utilities for system administration)
/boot Static files of the boot loader
/dev Device files with udev containing active devices
/home Users home directories (MAC OS X uses /Users)
/lib Shared libraries
/lib/modules Loadable kernal modules
/mnt Mount point for temporarily mounting filesystems
/opt Optional software
/sys Device pesudofilesystem
/tmp Temporary files
/etc Machine-local system configuration files (includes /etc/passwd)
/etc/opt Configuration files for add-on software packages kept in /opt
/etc/X11 Machine-local system configuration files for X Windows System
/usr Includes subdirectories that contain information used by the system
/usr/bin Standard utilities not used in single user mode or recovery?
/usr/games Games
/usr/lib Libraries
/usr/local Added files to system? what about /opt?
/usr/sbin Mon-essential binaries
/usr/share architecture independent data
/usr/share/doc documentation
/usr/share/info GNU info
/usr/share/man Online manuals
/usr/src Source Code
/var Variable data (log files)
/var/log Log files
/var/spool Spooled application data
Access Permissions:
ls -l #display file permissions
drwxr-xr-x 3 nemo staff 102 May 8 14:23 another
-rw-r--r-- 1 nemo staff 0 May 8 14:56 test.txt
from left to right
1) type of file (- file, d dir)
2) access (owner/group/others)
3) ACL flag? (null in the example)
4) links to the file (1)
5) owner (nemo)
6) file group (staff)
7) size in bytes (0)
8) date created/modified (May 8 14:56)
9) name of the file (test.txt)
chmod #change access permission: a (all users) o (other users) g (group) u (user/owner) r (read) x (execute) w (write) +- (add/remove)
You can use numerics instead, 4 (read), 2 (write), 1 (execute)
chmod 755 file #gives all to owner, read/execute to the rest
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